Buzz Lightyear

This lovely beekeeper was doing a good impression but helped us out with the small swarm. They might have gone without assistance (in fact, after 2/3 of the swarm had gone into the mini hive I think one of the scout bees out looking for a new des res returned and told them all about it as they all exited the hive and buzzed around for a while). Obviously Queenie decided she was staying put because they then all disappeared back inside to polish the furniture (plenty of beeswax after all as there was a new comb in there for them). Buzz Lightyear wil be back 7 o'clock sharp tomorrow to collect them so I'd better inform our early warning system so she doesn't go nuts.

Berry managed to escape and stuck her nose into them before help had arrived. What a shock - for once she was happy to be caught and led indoors, in fact she was pulling me! Thankfully, no stings but the bees weren't pleased.

I moved various bits into more boxes (honestly, too much personal clutter for impersonal house photos) and those plus charity shop clutter are now in another shed. Of course, that shed needed decluttering first ...

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