Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


A longer walk than in recent days. It's a psychological step, really, as to take this particular route starts with a steep but short climb (maybe only about ten minutes from home to the 'top') then a not-very-attractive walk through an underpass below the M80 motorway followed by another 25% climb up and onto to the farm roads that dot this area to the west of Denny.

All-in-all to get into this part of the countryside takes only about 35 minutes walking, but there are easier and more accessible routes nearby and I am inclined to follow them until boredom or ennui set in and I need a new 'challenge'.

And so it was back onto the farm roads on Sunday. Up to Drumbowie Reservoir where the 'No Entry - Private' signs were out, a number of cars lined the side of the road and members of Bonnybridge Angling Club were all out on the water doing what anglers do.

Continuing on until a couple of road junctions later, and there is this small memorial (see extra) beside the Castlerankine Burn. I thought the bench would make a fine entry for Derelict Sunday.

I turned and headed for Little Denny Reservoir and, even though public access is allowed, I gave that a miss this time round, and instead followed another series of country roads back home. It was, of course, a bonus that the two uphill stretches at the start of my walk were now downhill.

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