A day in the life

By Shelling


One of our most important days and week of the year is here. The week containing the summer solstice and in particular the eve before the solstice is a time of magic. Harling Darling has captured it well from her horizon of being born in England. Here is a link to her Blip.

My blip is divided in three photos that will give an idea. The main represents the time when all flowers are in their fullest bloom. Everything in nature is green and fresh, some birds has just gotten their first flock of chicks on the wings, and started on their next lot.

The second is about spending time outdoors with friends. Today on Midsummers eve, the traditional meal consists of pickled herring, fresh potatoes, beer, wine and a various kinds of spirits with a high percentage of alcohol, strawberries and often some sort of cake made with rhubarbs or strawberries. Most schools are closed for the summer and the families are planning the holiday. Everybody has time to be together, something that aren't always easy to handle. 

The third is the church. Mid summer is more about pagan traditions than christian ones for most swedes. It's John the baptists' birthday today, six months before Jesus' birthday but in my tradition there is usually no reason to think about that.

I've had a lovely day, full of food, company and music. The week looks nice with a mixture of sun and rainshowers, as always in Sweden this time of year but its warm -and it's light, never really dark. Hope you are having a nice friday, what ever part of the world you happen to have spent it in.

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