Results finally through

Miss PHL was up early (for her) around 9.30 and when I met her in the kitchen she was able to tell me her results had finally come through - she’s been awarded a 2.1 in Political Science. I’m so proud of her I could burst. 

When I nipped to Tesco I picked up some tulips for her as a wee congratulations present. She seemed pretty pleased. 

After I arrived home and shopping was put away, she and her father went to a different supermarket which should have had a sushi counter open. Alas not to be And it was a bit of a wasted trip. 

Whilst they were out I tackled the kitchen, followed by the dinning room and sitting rooms. The house looks pretty tidy now we’ve hoovered and dusted. Long may it stay tidy. We’re all quite lazy about housework so may need to introduce a rota.

Delicious dinner of enchiladas Cooked by Miss PHL before my weekly call with the girls. We all took turns this week at asking a round of questions - some duplicates from previous weeks but all the more fun to see the faces try and remember! 

Extra is a photo one of the others took - not the best one of me but look at the right hand side - an almost perfect mash up of two into one. 

Happy weekend everyone.

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