Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Another Saturday, another Zoom session for the music group. Only minor technical glitches today, so less frustrating than usual.

Beforehand, I'd slipped out to renew the drops for the dry-eye symptoms which have plagued me (in the right eye especially) since the cataract procedures. I was too early for the pharmacy, though, so went back when our Zoom session broke up. I got my drops and spotted some face masks on display near the cash register.

My only mask experiences to date had been with the standard blue disposal ones, which I do not at all enjoy wearing (they get really clammy all too quickly, and fog up my glasses). A different type was on offer also, reusable, and described as 'fashion'. I got myself a couple of them. I'll try one tomorrow.

Pssst … don't tell the mad resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, though: they're made in China.

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