
Sunday, 20:00. Where did that day go?

I am not finished yet, either. I just made a massive mess in the kitchen - but I now have curry to last me until about Wednesday next week. Pots and pans to be washed. Next, I have to water some plants in the garden - Thai basil and dill which I have grown from seed. Then it will be my languages on Duolingo. 

My morning was great. It started well. I opened the blinds in the bedroom at 07:00 and saw sunshine. Next, I saw a jogger go past. Then I thought "I'll do that", and off I went to the shore at Dysart.

I have now reached week 3 of the Couch to 5k thingie. It is fine. No pain yet. 

After my fresh air and exercise, I doubly enjoyed my coffee and breakfast. 

Ok, better get going. 

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