The Blues

I decided to take the bus back home after my bakery delivery this morning and found that I became quite annoyed when I saw two young people who sat on the bus without masks. The annoyance is triggered by my feeling that I am suffering behind mine and why should they not suffer too. Of course they may well have had a legitimate medical reason to be excused a face covering but it would be comforting to know this was the case by their wearing some sort of identification. I know there is a brooch depicting a sunflower which people who have to read lip can have.

It seems that at the moment the world is divided in two- those older responsible adults who obey the restrictions imposed by the government and the young adults who don’t give a damn because they think they are immune. It hasn’t occurred to them that by flouting any social distancing or not wearing a mask they could pass on the virus to the other people causing enough of a spike in infection to force another lockdown.

On an altogether lighter side, I enjoyed a joke at the checkout of a local shop when I was paying for two bottles of wine. The cashier cheekily asked me if I had any identification. I suggested my bus pass would probably be good enough.
It is the other side of the coin to turning round when someone shouts ‘Grandma’ in the street.

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