
By KatesGardenPDX

A Quiet Day

My husband left for a short vacation this morning - he's off to California to a very quiet and safe B&B where he can soak in his beloved sun and rest after a particularly challenging few months at work. And I am so happy just to be home, doing a bit of grading and working in the garden. It's nice to have alone time - the kitties and me. I can eat what I want to, when I want to...do what I want to, which right now is pretty much just chilling. I'm not fond of sunning, so we're both happy, as much as we'll miss each other.

So a quiet day - a bit of grading in the morning followed by a glorious afternoon in the garden. It's gorgeous today - mid 70'sF, a blue sky, lovely breeze, and bright sun. You can feel the air shifting just a touch as the late summer settles in.

Lots and lots of bees in the garden this afternoon. This plant is called Allium 'Medusa' or Medusa Ornamental Onion. The leaves, especially earlier in the season, are slightly twisted (like Medusa's hair!) and the buds nod on long sort of twisty stems. But they seem to straighten out and the blossoms are plentiful...and the bees adore these late blooming alliums! 

Happy Saturday all! 

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