We're Back!

A number of clubs across the country have been putting on trial events following the British Orienteering Guidelines during Covid-19.  We hadn't ventured out to one yet but today we did, with the attraction of it being reasonably close; we could visit Mary en route and hopefully see orienteering friend N who was hit with the virus in the early days and was able to come out today as part of his rehabilitation.  He has also just become a Grandad, yay! 

It was the furthest we had ventured from home, to the other side of Selby.  I mused on whether I would remember how to orienteer!  There was a wide start block and competitors were asked to arrive at their start (there were two different ones) just in time to run and to social distance in the woodland around the start.  There were just half a dozen competitors spaced out when I reached my start.  The start boxes had  been expanded so that when you moved through them, you were well distanced from other competitors.  And then I was off!  I very much enjoyed my course and there were no problems with social distancing out in the woodland and on the common, particularly with my route choices!  I managed to visit control 6 before control 5 which lost me some time, and then I circled around control 8 before finding it, for some time too!  So half way down the results on my course but it was just great to be out there, great to say hi to friends at a distance and to have a catch up with N.

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