Life with Alice

By elirin

Ice Cream Saves the Day - Again

One would THINK that with everything that is going on around here, mum would not make it her priority to take me to the Dog (Not) Oasis right now. Ha. The DNO is always a priority, she says. Grr. 

So there I found myself in the driveway, trying to get away. The three tiny schnauzers who live at the DNO were barking their heads off inside the main house while I was unceremoniously dropped off at the Oasis itself which is in the garage. 

Apparently, mum met up with my kennel mum and dad and my poodle mum Alva and my sister Nora for a picnic by the canal. Why oh why? What about me? I wanted to be there too! Mum tried to make it up to me by getting us ice cream that we shared at the exact same spot where they were. I still think it’s wrong, but ice cream is, well, one of my favourite things, so...

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