
By dunkyc

Get Smart

It is fair to say that I have not had the most interesting of days.

From an abundance of potential blipable photos yesterday to today where inspiration was sorely lacking and I snapped my smart meter as I was red-lining my daily budget – I know, right? Livin’ on the edge!

Having said that, apres work I did set out for a 10k run to try and shed this weekend’s cookie weight and felt pretty good for most of it, but as I reached the 8k mark I felt a twinge in my right foot. For once, I listened to my creaking body and in the interests of not nobbling myself for another few weeks, cut the run short.

I also had a good zoom chat with the panto director as we worked our way through fleshing out a couple of key closing scenes and adding some jokes. I know that we’re on the right track, when one of us says “I’m not sure we can get away with that one” as this is a self-defined sign of staying the right side of offensive. Just.

Whether a January performance is feasible or not, remains to be seen, but as ever it is nice to flex the creative muscle just before it atrophies.

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