Spot Pam!

9°C  -  17 mph NNE Wind Speed  -  22 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny Intervals.  Great meet-up with friend Pam for morning coffee and a roam through Ashcroft Garden Centre in Arbroath.  Bit strange with social distancing and face masks, but we coped! We were going to have our coffee al fresco  -  their open air space is super  -  but it was too chilly so we had coffee inside.  Although the tables are social distanced it still seemed nicely set up, and the shop is a haven of ideas for, dare I say it☺ - Christmas!  Of course, we have another event before then  -  see my main blip.  I wanted to get Pam in my blip, but my viewfinder couldn’t find her!  Maybe you can?  Have a look in my extra☺

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