
I spent my morning out the backyard. Baron helped me top up the birdbath and the water fountain and then his nose was right in the way as I pooper scooped the cat garden and cleaned the cat drinking fountain.

I replaced the canvas that screens the blue cube house from the southern sun ready for the new cube house that is coming.

I went for my follow up eyeliner appointment today and Jamie was very taken with with how well my liner took. We touched up my right eye but not my left.

I was only gone an hour and once home, no Baron. I thought I heard him a couple of times but never saw him anywhere. I was getting worried. When Kent got home he took his usual shower and said he could hear the cat!

We move my car and open the attic door and there is Baron looking down at us, like what took you so long! With the kitten still so small, he either climbed on the roof and got in the bathroom exhaust vent or climbed up the HVAC lines into the attic.

Needless to say, Kent has been on the roof and added a mesh screen to the exhaust vent and added a mess screen at the base of the square conduit that the HVAC lines run in. Enough stress for today! Don’t think Baron enjoyed his 5 hours in the attic either!

Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx

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