I voted

And it was a great relief to be able to drop my ballot through the slot into the box which was nearly full. There's been an enormous turnout at the ballot boxes all over the area.  What you see in the blip is a copy of the Progressive Voters Guide for this election.  Every election an organization called FUSE Washington puts together all the information a progressive voter would need to make decisions about the various items on the ballot.  There is detailed background about all of the candidates, all of the bills, all the charter amendments, and all the propositions.  The Guide publishes its recommendations and at the time of the balloting sends out a pared down version for each electoral district as an easy guide for filling out the ballot.  It's a wonderful piece of work and I send a bit of support each election year.  It's great to feel confident that my candidates are really in line with my values.

I mentioned a while back that Pacific Northwest Ballet is doing an all digital season this year and Lex and I have bought a subscription.  We wanted to watch the first program today and had planned to use ChromeCast to send the video to the wide-screen TV from the computer.  But try as we might - and Doug is really good at this sort of thing - we could not make it work, so we had to watch it on the largest laptop screen  It was really wonderful, although frustrating that the image was so small, and I took photos I hoped to share with you - but the bright stage lighting made it impossible to get a good image.  We're hopeful that we'll have worked the kinks out before the next performance so that we can really enjoy watching on the larger screen.

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