The Hill Disappears

The hill behind the village, with its wind turbines, has disappeared into the murk. The rain poured down for most of the day and the day that started with a heavy frost and -3°C, turned into a warm (11°C) and wet day.
About 3 o'clock I gave up and decided to go in.
My boots were a little messy so I thought I'd clean them by washing them in the water butt. I figured I could stand on one leg and lift the other into the butt to wash the boot, without taking it off. Hey, I do yoga - I'm flexible - I can balance.
Well, apparently not. I washed the first boot, caught my heel as I lifted it out and toppled over, landing hard and doing something very painful to my shoulder. Swearing ensued, mostly at my own stupidity.
After a couple of quiet hours alternating sitting still watching videos, with carefully moving my arm its full range, I don't think I've done any serious damage, except to my pride.
It got dark very early today, the clocks have gone back but thick cloud and falling rain didn't help either.
Claire and Rusty were also present at last night's fire and dinner, and stayed the night. So there's an extra of Rusty for his blip fans.
This has been another day when I blipped and backblipped the previous two days - yesterday's fire, and the previous day's walk along the barley field.

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