The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Hedge #2

A year after the council had announced their intention to destroy an ancient hedgerow, a campaign to save it had long been under way. This humble disused lamp-post stump had a key role as a neighbour had, when an apprentice for Southern Electric, dug the hole for the lamp-post, just in front of the wall and hedge, 46 years ago, proving that the hedge could not have been added there later than that. The council had tried to suggest that the hedge had been recently added as a result of road widening.
This meant that the hedge must be over 30 years old, and therefore not disqualified from protection under the new Hedgerow Regulations Act.

(Taken with a Pentax ME, on Agfacolor HDC 200 print film, scanned on a printer-copier-scanner from a DoublePrint 6x4 print)


Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Spiritualized - Electricity (1997)
New to the charts the previous week

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