Flower Friday: Nasturtium

As autumn progresses it's getting more tricky each week to find a suitable flower in the garden to blip. I thought I might have to borrow a flower from some I bought for my Editor but then spotted this surviving nasturtium hiding under its leaves. On the big screen I see that there's 2 photobombing greenflies: the one on the right side of the flower seems to be looking straight at the camera - what a poser!

Thanks as always to the Flower Friday host, BikerBear Anni.

NB. Don't forget that tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month - and therefore it's Silly Saturday, in memory of the lovely Admirer. Carol Dunham is kindly hosting this month - thanks Carol. The tag is SilSNov2020. Let's find some crazy, silly or daft subjects which Admirer would love!

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