
By kirstymill

Park sunshine and archaeology

It was beautifully sunny during the middle of the day, so I went out for a quick walk around Pirig Park over lunchtime. The sun was shining, the autumn colours were lovely and the park was full of dog walkers, children playing and folk out for a walk or getting some fresh air. It's great that the park is so well used and interesting that I'm starting to spot new features that I hadn't noticed or considered before. This row of trees, for example, lies on the very edge of an area of slightly raised ground in front of Pilrig House. They mark the edge of formal gardens that were in front of the house. In fact the area of the gardens are quite distinct as an earthwork of raised ground. I even had a quick look at some historic photographs later which confirmed this.

Now, I had noted this before but never really paid attention to it or thought about it. But a combination of low sunlight helping to pick out slight features on the ground and my increased familiarity (I'm now there everday for a short walk) and interest in the park means that I properly took note. I'm also interested in archaeology, so although this isn't the prehistoric archaeology I tend to focus on, it is archaeology nonetheless, it's interesting and is my local archaeology. Maybe I'll start to investigate it a little further. I wonder what else I'll discover in future?

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