Cherry Run: View from the Middle of the Creek

We've had a glorious run of weather that is more like May than November. My husband and I had been just about everywhere else (and I'd gotten deer ked bites on my neck at both Quehanna and Sproul, and so I didn't want to go there!), so back we went to Cherry Run, which is typically one of our first hiking spots in springtime.

We parked the car and hiked to this spot, and I decided it was time for a little "crick time" (creek = crick, in these parts), so I put on my water shoes, and in I went. The above photo was my view from the middle of the creek, surrounded by rhododendron thickets and tall trees.

There are days when time slips away. If you turn to the right, you feel the future. If you turn to the left, you feel the past. And if you stand right here, where I am standing, looking forward, you see things are as they always have been, ever since the world began.

The song: Survivor, Ever Since the World Began.

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