
By Freyjad

River Calder

I like this view from the bridge with all the old industrial buildings, they seem to be that much more interesting than today's quickly erected units and I see that the tree growing out of the top of the chimney continues to thrive.

I've spent far too much time on the computer today, it doesn't do my eyes any good and at the end of the day I'm wishing I'd gone for a longer walk instead of the short one I did this morning.  I've been looking back through images I've taken this year and seeing if anything has got overlooked and  I've done quite a bit of "housekeeping" deleting a few images and a few I've re-considered.

In our house Jack is keen for lock-down to end so that he can go to a restaurant, while I just. want to visit the Zoo;  I asked him whether or not he thinks we might be incompatible but I got no reply! :-)

Many thanks for stopping by, it's very much appreciated. 

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