I had a wander round the garden first thing this morning looking for a shot for Flower Friday, but you will be pleased to know I wasn’t wearing my pink robe, I was fully dressed!  Actually it was freezing cold and then it started raining so I was glad to get back indoors.  Several marigolds are still flowering, as are some carnations, hollyhocks and primulas, but this little viola caught my eye, probably because it’s my favourite colour.  

We have just been sitting outside with some friends who came for a coffee, but we did abide by the rules and didn’t go indoors, so we are now inside again thawing out, because it was still bitterly cold - but I guess we must be thankful it’s not snowing, although Mr. HCB would love that.  

Now that my Quiet Room is decorated, I am gradually getting things back in there, but it is so hard going through things and deciding what needs to be kept and what should be thrown away.  As I went through my 60th birthday cards - and unbelievably, that was 15 years ago, I came across several from different friends who have since died, so of course, many of those had to go on the “To Keep” pile, especially the one from a very dear Church friend, Daphne, who had written a poem for me, so of course, that brought back lots of memories.

I am trying to do what Marie Kondo says and only keep those things the “spark joy” in me - but I think it could take some time, so I need to go back up there and sort some more.  On the plus side, I did get rid of about a thousand negatives - and lots more cards, so I’m getting there.  The room is looking good and I have some pretty lights all round the ceiling, so it will be a lovely room in which to listen to music and meditate, once it’s clear and tidy.

Things that brought me joy today:

Seeing all the beautiful flowers still blooming in our garden
Having friends round for coffee - even if we did almost freeze
Receiving cards from people I haven’t seen for a few years

“The space in which we live
     should be for the person
          we are becoming now,
not for the person we were
     in the past.”
Marie Kondo

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