Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The grand finale

Most of my blipper friends know I hate to cook..l but have been getting Blue Apron,  ( 2 meals a week to cook that I didn’t have to plan or shop for). for several years on and off when we are in Seattle.   Well we’ve been home since March ...wanted to quit then but that didn’t seem logical with shopping restrictions and all..... and with my broken wing, it’s not possible so I quit the whole thing but have this last week...there was a special scallop pasta dish I thot that H and I could do.  15 ingredients.  No way.  So my wonderful foodie neighbor cooked it for us tonight.   (How kind is that!) Very tasty. Can’t begin to describe what’s in it. .    I was going to blip the extra but decided the end of Blue Apron was a worthy blip to record on the Xmas dishes.
One trip out today for a blood test as the Tylenol I’m gobbling is messing up the Coumadin.  Always something.  And most annoying. Will get it sorted.   Jan 7 can’t come soon enough to get a new easier cast. 
In the meantime this week...stay home...stay healthy..... this isn’t going away anytime soon with all the vaccine suppply and distribution issues which vary from state to state at the moment. 
Another street shot in my other journal.Here

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