Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Millenials for Happy New Year

Found this couple of Millenials willingly accepting my blip request; she's got a lovely Mona Lisa smile!  With them I send you my best wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Got to the city centre again to visit the bank's office; only the larger central ones in the big cities are open to the public, in this LockDown time. It turned out that my credit card was renewed earlier this year and today I collected the new one that's working, so I could renew my Blip membership before the year ended.

It's obvious that we all lived a most bizar year this year due to the Corona / COVID-19 virus, the killer virus, what disrupted our lives too much. Altho' Lockdown and Corona presented us with a fireworks ban here in our country, in my neighborhood that ban is ignored by many (Den Haag region is known for fireworks madness) and the bangs go on all eve plus regular intervals of nice fireworks in the air.  It's soon Midnight here, that is soon 2021.... Happy New Year to you all !! 

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