A pinch of snow this morning

Just realizing this is another Blip-anniversary I had forgotten to notice. Not reading my notifications. Until some of you, dear Friends wrote your comments to congratulate me. And I feel so grateful for your faithful attention. I could not remember how long ago I it was that I made this little jump to inscribe and upload for the first time.
But I new it was on this very cold winterday. I had been down to the beach and witnessed a rescue operation of a stranded young seal. Very impressive. When I came home I told my adventure to Willemien/Admirer. Finally she gave me this decisive push to enter my Bliplife. Which I had refused for so long already. Never could I succeed in making this constant active contributive effort she was engaged in every day. And indeed: I couldn't. I could not write and communicate and comment. Challenges? No way. But anyhow I did publish One Blip A Day. From the 6th of January 2014 until today. Not something to be proud of. But nevertheless. I really owe Blip-community and especially you, you Blipfriends who are still following and commenting. And giving me so many deep and sincere, warm, heartfelt messages of mindful attention, consolation. So I feel deeply grateful for that. Especially as our beloved Admirer/Willemien is no longer here to remind me to be so kind to finally speak up and join the small circle of my Blipfriends writing a few humble words of gratitude.

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