
Today is Emma's birthday.  Although they only live a comparatively short distance away now in Worcester we are unable to see her as it is classed as an unessential journey.  Only through WhatsApp and Zoom can we see and talk to her......this is the New Normal.

The postcard in the photo was sent to Ann, who was still in hospital, by our friend Pam on the day following Emma's birth.  On seeing the card I assumed Mary Sadler, or the photographer W. E. Sadler, must have been someone famous, especially since the card was published by Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.  I did an Internet search and can find no reference to either person, so maybe not.

Anyway talking about babies, I can now reveal that in July Ann and I are to be grandparents!  So congratulations and much love to Emma and Andy, and all our best wishes for the future.  Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to visit and see our granddaughter/grandson.

Thanks to Picturemull for hosting today's Mono Monday.  I'm sure there's a connection between the, presumably, good luck charm of the cat and someone's birthday?

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