A first for me.

: ¬ ( 
I've had the odd plant, now and then die; more often than not, of old age.
It's the first time I've had one "killed with kindness".

It came to light 2-3 days ago when I noticed this one at a rather more jaunty angle than I remembered.
Some time ago now, I bought a pot containing three Sansevierias.  As it was A. N. Other in need of one I turned it into three plants, one in each pot.
In turn I eventually got Parent + two pups : Parent + one : Parent + one.
I duly exported the Parent plus two and kept the others.
Last watering I must have put too much in the tray(s) and left it way too long causing both to remain far too wet for far too long.
An immediate, severe, drought has been prescribed to see if the parents are still OK.

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