Little One

Crocus minimus, not actually the smallest crocus but the person that named it hadn't seen them all!   This form has been named 'Bavella' after the mountain pass where it was found.   The very dark purple outer petals, almost black, are quite unusual and very striking.   This plant came to me from the collection of a great crocus grower at the end of the last century.  In his seventies then, he was cutting back on the number of special plants he was looking after.   It's pleasing to report he's still with us and still growing crocuses.

A slow start as I try to catch up on lost sleep.   A very late breakfast after the garage rang to remind me that the car was in for service today!   I popped it over to them, taking Meg with me.   Leaving the garage we bumped into a fellow dog walker whose Dog, also Meg, has been a very occasional playmate - we'd have planned to meet if it were allowed.   We walked the same way for an hour or so, letting the dogs run together for a while.  Very good for all of us and if I'd been on time at the garage it would never have happened.   Making good of a goof :-))

Elsewise, chores, admin and work plus a visit to my Mum and brother.  Mum's contract with BT had expired leaving her paying way too much and needed help getting it amended.   They were very helpful and she'll save nearly £400 a year but I think it's a very shabby practice to leave people paying excessive amounts in this way.   She's got the a slightly better deal now for an awful lot less.   

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