Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Book 6!

Sixth book I have read so far this year. A poor tally really. Home schooling and crocheting has taken it's toll.

Wednesday was relatively incident free. W was extremely tired, went back to bed after breakfast of his own accord. Consequently no violin was done, but eventually and in his own time the rest of his work was done. He is refusing to do the D&T and I am not pushing it. Kente weaving apparently. So after World Book tomorrow, he only has English to do Friday as he did Friday's maths today. He was also too tired for ballet class, which I thought might be a ruse, but he went to bed, lights out at 19.30 so maybe not!

Carys worked really hard all day. She got her latest Spanish assignment back and it brings her average grade up to 70% so she's happy. Hopefully she may get the next assignment in early next week, which will leave two left as a minimum to attain a grade in the summer. Did I mention we have sorted next year's subjects? She will continue with her GCSE maths and take RS and History as well. She's planning environmental management or Geography the year after if all goes well. Let's hope we don't need a plan B.

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