Three Anniversaries

Today is the first anniversary of the start of lockdown.

The second anniversary is our godson’s birthday.

Last year we had celebrated obis 30th birthday with a meal at a restaurant in Edinburgh. The Virus was making itself noticed.

Driving home, Pat said we should now stay at home.

The third anniversary is the 25th Anniversary of the Dunblane Massacre.

At that time we were living in Dunblane just 2 minutes walk from the Primary School. On that day we had been driving past the school gates just as the shooting was taking place.

We knew nothing about it till we reached our destination. When we returned home the next day we became aware of the extent of the tragedy.

There were two Primary One classes and only one class was attacked. All of the children that were our neighbours and friends attended the other class, which was something of a relief.

I do not have words to describe the following weeks and months. 

A full account of the massacre is written in Wikipedia.

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