and through the wire...

By hesscat

Looking Back

I've been trying to vary Arlo's local walks the past couple of weeks which were getting a bit repetetive up and down and around the same track. There's not many options to let him run about, but while the lambing work is going through the motions, a few places have become available while keeping far enough away. He still hasn't worked them out, as they usually keep their distance even with a fence in between, but if sheep are in view then he's on the lead.

We are used to this view from the other side on a daily view but this is the first time we've seen it this way round since the trees were felled. Maybe in 5 years it will obstructed again. 

On our way home we came across the farmer taking some sheep up the track with his 3 dogs flanking them, and unusually, the dogs didnt take too much notice of Arlo, they were so busy at work. He was a bit taken aback with all that, first time close to sheep and the 3 amigos ignoring him. It may not be long before there'll be sheep everywhere and we'll need to find somewhere else.

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