Smooth as a Snail

Our green bin is collected tomorrow. As we have sorted out the garden over recent days, snails I have discovered in nooks and crannies have gone there as well as all the green stuff.

An obvious photo for Mono Monday’s theme of “smooth”.

Everything about a snail is smooth. The curves and spirals of its shell. The mucus covering its skin, which prevents it from desiccating (snail mucus is also used in some skin cosmetics to smooth out human wrinkles). And the mucus on its foot, which acts as a lubricant and glue, allowing the snail to travel smoothly over the roughest of services, up and down.

I lifted the bin lid. The many snails, all sizes and some piggy-backing on others. were all collected at the top. As I rested the lid against a fence, the warmth of the sunshine on their shells started to wake some of them up. It was fascinating to watch. The great escape, but in very very slow motion.

I closed the lid, There will be plenty still hiding in the garden, but I would like to minimise the Gastropod eating fest that will commence once plants start growing.

Thank you to random_angel for hosting.

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