If the morning's echo says we've sinned

I went into the office today.  

I had promised the bosses Pie.  And last night I sweated and slaved over a stove to produce mini lemon meringues. 

Once in - there was quite a crew of folk there. -  I can't get away from them once they start. 

I escaped after an hour and a half and headed home. 

I've not been concentrating all day - i've been dillying and dallying. Doing bits and pieces.   I'm off on Friday and I'm beginning to wish I'd taken Thursday off too. 

We went to the allotment after dinner - Dinner was late - Si had a problem to fix which involved a Canadian help team.

The allotment was perfect.  Still, Silent, warm, everything is starting to come to life. 

The drive home was also lovely - the sun had just set - gorgeous silver glow over everything. 

Cup of Chocolate, and now- I'm ready for bed.

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