Snow and Supermarket

What I did not expect to see when I looked outside this morning was snow. What I did see was something of a blizzard. That immediately shocked me into full wakefulness.

My visit to the supermarket this week was delayed by a day due to having the dental appointment yesterday. At least there is no need for snow tires. Snow, hail and rain is interspersed with sunny intervals.

I use the store App when visiting the supermarket. This was slightly tiresome with a face mark as facial recognition did not work, consequently I was continually having to re-enter the pass code.

Following the release of the  latest operating system update last week, there is now a work around which has resolved this problem. So no need to re-enter the pass code every time I need to scan a bar code.

The picture on the screen was taken in the Crathes Castle wall garden.

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