Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Toothsome Twenty Three

The European Starling, my 23rd yard bird species to be blipped this year.  I am not overly fond of starlings for several reasons primarily because they are an introduced species that has taken a toll on some of our native species; secondarily because they are incredibly rude.  Of course, it is their rudeness that also makes them entertaining to watch.  They think nothing of knocking one of their own kind off a feeder, or standing on someone's head to get a better position.  Really, nothing is off limits...and then their is the electric/screechy sounds they make.  Certainly not melodic.  However, they are also beautiful with a stunning display of color.  I chose this photo because you can see the gorgeous teal and purple tones.

The forecast today was for rain so I made sure the hide was all set up and then I scampered out and settled in for a few hours of photo therapy.  There were at least a dozen blue jays all over the garden, along with blackbirds, sparrows, titmice, chickadees, finches, woodpeckers and one hummer.  At one point, a small group of warblers moved through and I was this close to getting a shot of a Northern Parula in breeding plumage - until he zipped off into the trees.  Rats.

Hubs and I were inside having lunch when the rain mixed with hail, leaving all the birds looking quite pathetic. Making me glad I wasn't in the hide at that moment.

A nap is calling I will leave you with my usual "stay safe and be kind" plus a recommendation of dark chocolate and nuts today.  


It's going to be dreary and rainy the rest of the day, which makes it a good time for a nap.  I find that I am tired a lot right now.  Probably a mix of stress and my body healing.  

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