Swarovski Rivoli Medallion

Over the course of the past several months
I have done more than one Rivoli medallion only to cut it up.

I had my red Rivoli and the red fire polished beads for the edging but getting the colour right for the medallion casing was much harder than you would think!

I started out by naïvely thinking I would just do it in white. It was extremely harsh & cold looking. So I ordered more beads. I went for a cream tone but didn’t like that either. Order some grey beads but they turned out to be too dark. These beads that arrived on Thursday are a very pale grey & I’m happy with the results using them. Softer looking than the white without enough colour to be distracting.

In extra is the earring pattern I finally came up with while at Birgit’s yesterday, to go with the Right Angle Weave bracelet. I made pairs to go with the olive & lavender bracelets I made and a pair to go with the sapphire blue one my Mum made years ago.

Today has been a full day. Back when we were having all the trouble with the water softener, I let the the water discolouration in the bath & shower surround get out of hand. Without the water softener doing it’s job it would only take 3-4 days for things to look ugly.

Once out of control it’s hard going to get things back the way they should be. I was keeping the worst of it off but that was it. Yesterday, Kent got in there and gave it all a good scrubbing. Yay! It made a real difference.

This morning while he was at work I scrubbed it all not once but twice. We are now back to the way it should be!! WooHoo.

When Kent got home we headed out to the grocery store. It was a real stocking up shopping with lots of staple items bought.

By the time we were home and everything put away, I was beat. That’s when I sat and worked on this medallion. I need to do 5 to made the bracelet. One for each earring and one for the pendant. So only 7 more to go!

Take care of yourself and each other xx

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