Daredevil Buddy

Of all the grandchildren I think Buddy is the one that is most up for anything. The harder it is the more he'll try it.
Climbing up the steps to the slide was not encouraged, I just watched him run across and clamber up there, holding tight and stretching those little legs. Then he stood at the top of the slide, when many children would have had second thoughts, and just plopped down and away he went screaming with delight.
Then he wanted to go on the swing. He goes on our big swings, I've set the seats low so they can try it, but I put him in the little children swing so he had some protection with the bars back and front. I was pushing him to cries of 'Higher, Higher'. What you see is as high as I would allow him to go as I nipped in front to capture him on film.
There are two entrances to the play park, off he went out of the far one and started running around on the other side of the fence. Trouble was he didn't stop and I had to run after him to stop him running off back to Granny's by himself! He's hard work but full of fun.

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