Rodents rule

By squirk

Teeny tiny frog

This frog was only about a centimetre long – teeny tiny. After I spied one, I realised that there were many crossing the path. My friend and I helped a few across and carefully stepped around the others. There were a fair few people tramping the path completely unaware of the frogs' perilous journey. I could barely watch! Good luck to the frogs.

My amphibian encounter was in Hampstead Heath where I met a friend and colleague this afternoon. We hadn't seen each other in person since August last year, which was a different, and more cautious, time. On this occasion, my train carriage had a couple of groups of youngish folk (in their 20s, I think) drinking beer, not wearing masks and happily talking to each other loudly. I tried to hold my breath between stops – luckily, only two. Their lack of caution quite astounded me, but perhaps this is more the norm than what I experience around about my local haunts. I rarely catch public transport these days so I'm not sure if this is the normal state of things. I didn't at all comfortable and I happily alighted at Hampstead Heath, as did the groups of folk on the train. 

It was lovely to blether with S for a few hours and catch up in person. Hopefully, it won't be as long as 10 months until we see each other for a cuppa again.

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