
By JeanSnaps

The indecisive hydrangea.

Shall I be pink ?   Shall I be blue ?   Or how about white for a change ?
This hydrangea never seems able to make up its mind.  A bit like me today. Shall I get up or stay in bed.  It was wet and gloomy. Shall I do housework ?
What about some gardening when the rain stops ?
Well I wanted breakfast and the birds wanted fed so staying in bed wasn't an option.  Housework went by the board but some washing got done.  Phoned to see if the Justices of the Peace were seeing people but no, not yet so my French pension is still on hold.. Went to photograph in the garden which always leads to a bit of weeding and today led to about half of yesterday's prickly chopping being carted down the garden close to the car.   They weren't quite as wet as I expected but there are a lot of them.  Booked a slot at the recycling on Thursday.  I got less indecisive as the day went on.  Amended my grocery order and plucked my eyebrows. Printed out photos of Elmo and posted them with a card celebrating Emma's first day in her new job through her door. Bought batteries I keep forgetting about for the upstairs phones.  My Ipad had been playing up too so with some trepidation I reset it.  Had to key in my broadband password but then it was up and running perfectly.  Made some tea and The Great Tapestry of Scotland arrived  at just the right moment.  I can see it will keep me happy for ages. Now, what shall I have for dinner ?

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