Jersey Tiger

The Jersey Tiger's no big cat;
it's a moth. Though cats are cuddlier,
they wouldn't cling to the wall of our house
or drink from a flowering buddleia.

© CW 2021

This Jersey Tiger Moth (Euplagia quadripunctaria) appeared on the wall after I'd been dead-heading our buddleias. I'm guessing I must have disturbed it. (Shame I didn't see its red underwings.)

Home in Devon for the first time for weeks on end and immediately spent a couple of hours gardening. Everything had grown so massively, especially bracken and brambles in one corner, after much rain in our absence. More to be done, but the brown bin's full. Might tread it down tomorrow.

(Should have saved my yesterblip for Flower Friday, but thanks for all the nice comments, stars and heart.)

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