Toasted Vortex

This past week I've experienced several 'Tudor nights'. That is, I go to sleep quickly as soon as I go to bed, then I wake about four hours later. I lie awake for a couple of hours, and then I go back to sleep for another three or four hours. It means I get up late the following morning. (I call them 'Tudor nights' as it's how people used to sleep in Tudor times - following what is, perhaps, a natural sleep pattern. In those days, the waking hours would be spent playing games or enjoying a bit of nooky, or whatever. I usually end up reading!)

Anyway, one of my methods of getting back to sleep, when I begin to feel sleepy again is this:
1. With my eyes closed, I 'look' as far into the distance as I can, using my 'third eye'. (That is, I imagine an eye above my nose, between my two real eyes - yoga fashion - and try to 'look' from that perspective.)
2. At the end of this long view I try to picture a black dot. Gradually, I try to 'move' towards the dot, while at the same time, making the dot grow as it approaches me, until it resembles the round mouth of a dark tunnel.
3. I aim to enter the tunnel and allow myself to progress, as if in a moving vehicle, through the tunnel, turning if and as and when, and keeping going until I'm asleep. 
4. If the illusion fails, or my tunnel disintegrates, I simply start again.
It often works. But not before I've lain awake for hours, darn it!

I hope for better things tonight.

My image began with a photo of some of the toast crumbs that fell from my toaster when I cleaned it. I then gave it a 'Silly Saturday' twist. 

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