
It is strange to go to a concert in times of a pandemic. We had to follow a lot of rules and wear a mask but that was needed to watch this fantastic concert of Konstantin Wecker. He was musically accompanied by three excellent musicians - Jo Barnikel (piano, trumpet and vocals), Fany Kammerlander (cello, bass guitar, ukulele and vocals) and Daniel Higler (drums and marimba).
He had to cancel his tour twice and was very glad to play in front of people again. And so were we. It was a fine concert with the theme "Utopia". He said it is a bit like John Lennons "Imagine".
He is my inspiration since my youth and he always recharges my antifascist batteries.
Looking forward to the next concert. I will be there again :-D 


Just imagine our world
without war, without violence,
without bosses, without rulers,
everyone is the other's support.
Without ambition, unhurried,
all only live in the now.
Without ambition, unhurried,
all only live in the now.

Without heaven, without hell
just in the now and here,
this world belongs to all of us
without real estate and greed.
Imagine we live them
this beautiful utopia.
Imagine we live them
this beautiful utopia.

Likes to call me a weirdo
that doesn't fit into our time.
But you're living in a nightmare
my dream is a reality.
But you're living in a nightmare
my dream is a reality.

A world without borders
and instead of competition and envy
let's participate, finally on an equal footing,
our joy, our sorrow.
If this world weren't here
we didn't know anything about her.
If this world weren't here
we didn't know anything about her.

No man is not that bad
pointed out the rulers would like to have,
it is all of us right
to save us from this deception
and we want our world
does not stick to their rules,
and we want our world
does not stick to their rules.

Likes to call me a weirdo
that doesn't fit into our time.
But you're living in a nightmare
my dream is a reality.

Call it unworldly, call it madness
but I don't dream alone
is not love alone
Reason and meaning of all being,
is not love alone
The reason and meaning of all being.

by Konstantin Wecker, translated by Google

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