Placidly grazing

The ups and downs of work and of the current Covid-19 surge, continued again today. I was glad to finish my half day more than half way through the afternoon. A final check in with the registrar before the weekend. At the end of which he said that he had heard that S is a poet. I "waxed lyrical" and suggested he could hear her and her fellow poets reading for the recent "Divine Muses" event via YouTube.

This evening I went to the fish and chip shop in the village and ordered our takeaway meal. Then went for a walk along the roadside, as there was a half hour wait due to the large number of orders ahead of me. 

Still well within the boundaries of the village is a field with ewes and lambs. On my way back, I heard a cock pheasant call, and saw what could have been it in the distance; it turned out to be a Pukeko amongst rushes.

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