Beware the drill-head dog

If you've ever wondered what a dog throws out when he shakes, then look no further. Bear in mind that Cousteau is a short-haired dog!

Rae had a dip in the sea and we had a thoroughly pleasant time wandering around on the beach.

Another beautiful summery autumn day in North Canterbury.

I've mowed the lawns and chopped down an annoying Banksia, which was totally out of control. I've made three jars of peach jam (thanks to a friend who brought a bag of peaches over - no more freezer space; we've got frozen fruit coming out of our ears!). I've baked a batch of mini-cupcakes for our Easter lunch tomorrow.

I'm in the process of baking a potato in the oven and then will get an hour's lie-down before heading to church for the Easter Vigil. It starts at ten and goes on til midnight; I'm tired just thinking about it! Bless Rae, who has offered to drive tonight; she knows I'll be asleep by the time it comes to driving home!


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