Sea View

A fine day, mostly reading the papers then gardening. As this is tidying up at the “back-end” of the year, I’ve always said I’m doing a bit of back-ending which I’m sure the folks used to say. The SK has never heard of the expression. Maybe I’ve made it up.
What’s in the news? Third or is it the fourth wave of coronavirus cases sweeping central and Eastern Europe. And even Ireland is worse than the UK. New cases in Scotland sit stubbornly high at 3,000 a day. We’ll be wearing masks forever.
Meanwhile that Lukashenko from Belarus is making mischief by ferrying migrants to the border with Poland. The Poles, not being run by cuddly liberals like Boris are pushing them back. Meanwhile over 1,000 boat people arrived on UK beaches in a single day where they’re instantly welcomed and put to work as HGV drivers and GPs. Right, that enough guff for one day. Back ending waits for no man.

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