
By dfb24

It's the day after Thanksgiving...

...which, when we were kids, was the "official" start of all things Christmas. The radios started playing carols, and Christmas decorations began being sold in the stores; not like now when a couple of the stores are selling ornaments in the middle of summer & Christmas decorations come out right after Halloween. My sister gave me this ornament last week when we met for her birthday brunch. She saw it in a store, & knowing how much I love Polish Pottery, she bought it for me. I told her she wasn't supposed to buy me a gift on HER birthday, but she said she knew I'd been having a rough time and thought I deserved it. So very thoughtful of her! Tom had his labs drawn at the hospital today because the clinic is closed, and the nurse said the good news was that he didn't need blood or platelets today, but the bad news was that his potassium was low, so he needed an IV dose of it before he could leave. They have to run it really slow as it's very hard on the vein and is painful if infused too quickly, so I knew it would be a couple of hours. We got home around 1:00, I made Tom lunch, then went to the drug store to pick up his prescriptions and then to get gas. Came home, took this photo, and now the kids and grandkids are on their way over. They head home tomorrow & are leaving early in the morning, so this is the last we'll see of them this visit; I'm so glad that they could come.  :)

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