Is she really worth it????

It's that time of year when male mallards start having a go at each other. I saw quite an aggressive fight between 2 mallards today...eventually one backed down and managed to escape. It's horrible when you see them trying to push each others heads under the water and bite at each others heads but maybe that's me imposing my values on a couple of ducks...I guess they are just trying to guarantee the success of their genetic line.......

I managed to get 3 shots of the altercation and each one is so very different ...

Edit: Someone has since reminded me how to use folio so if you want to see the other pictures in this series click here and scroll past the frog picture!

I should also say that I have been made aware I have managed to upset someone by posting this image today but that wasn't my intention at all. This is nature as it happens and in many ways it is the same as rutting stags and to a smaller extent boxing hares. Nature can be aggressive and will continue to be so whether we chose to look or not.....

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