Reikes small life...

By Reike

Finally, we were out there again!

Great day, it made me happy. And Djeili jumped a lot for joy (see extra of my snow ninja :)). 

We walked around the beautiful lake Cresta in the morning (more pictures here), and in the afternoon we went for a hack with Boy. 

Boy was much more relaxed this time and a really good boy, apart from the past few minutes, that included an impromptu shooting-away gallop that I could have done without. 

Djeili was sooooooo well-behaved during that hack, she was basically hanging on my lips to obey every single one of my commands! She also quite liked sprinting by the side of my bicycle to and from the yard. She was a tired little dog at the end of the day, but still freaked out for joy when seeing Roman. 

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