
By GracieG

Aconites and Snowdrops

Whilst it was tempting to drive over to Walsingham this morning to photograph the wonderful snowdrops there, instead I visited St Andrew's Church in Holt instead (also see extra).  Whilst you don't get the same grand sweeping vistas of flowers, it tends to be the close up photos that I favour so I was happy with what was there.

I've copied the information below from a sign in the graveyard.
As many once familiar plants are becoming scarce as other habitats disappear, the St Andrew's Church Council has decided to manage their churchyard along the lines proposed by the Norfolk Naturalists' Trust.  Since maintaining access to the tended graves is also important, the churchyard has been zoned; some parts are cut once a year, some parts two or three times each year and other parts more regularly.  In addition, plants are allowed to colonise the stonework except where they may cause damage.

I heartily agree with their aims and I hope that this will encourage more insects and pollinators to visit the site, along with other wildlife.

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