Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Oh ...

What to say about today? Maybe all you can sensibly say is what I said when I was getting dressed to go out to the shop at 7.45am and the snow came on again - I stopped long enough to take the photo before driving with extreme caution down to the lights which you can just see at the right centre of the frame. There seemed to be one other man shopping - we greeted each other as we passed in several aisles. 

Then it was home to breakfast and the news, more news. When I couldn't take any more, I put the radio off and washed dishes. How would I be reacting if I was tidying up in Kiev? That civilised, western city with its coffee shops and that glorious golden-domed church? Oh...

I tend to slump after the early morning exertions, and so it was today. After lunch I received a text from someone we used to sing with, about 50 years ago. I'd been reminded of him while listening to a piece of music which he used to sing gloriously when Himself arranged it for the New Consort of Voices, and thought of looking him up on Facebook, just in case ... and there he was, so I fired off a message and wondered if he'd ever see it. He still sings beautifully - I heard him on YouTube - and we've exchanged some cordial remembering, so that was good.

We walked up to church in the snow and back - Himself had to do something to the organ - and I wished I'd not worn my Celtic boots, which are wonderfully comfortable and warm (worn with bare feet) but which offer little support to the creaking arches. It was very tiring.

And then more news. And fears about the stability of the Chernobyl reactor, which has been taken by Russian forces. Why? What do they want with it? Just territory? And now it's time for bed. To sleep? Perchance to dream? Aye, there's the rub...

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