
By lucia13


Thanks fot all the comments , stars and heart . You are very kind to me. You made me smile sometimes with your words.

Today was a long day. I was in the bed resting from the trip, I arrived very tired, the last few nights I didn't sleep properly .

My sister had this difficult operation today . I was waiting all morning for the results . My brother in law called me after 3 hours in the operating theatre. Everything was ok but still she was sleeping all day, I coudn't speak with her yet. I hope tomorrow she feels better and we can chat little bit.

I was speaking by skype with my nieces , my brother etc. I sent the blip photo to my niece by mobile f.b so she could show my sister now in the hospital . My niece told me she smiled when saw so many stars in her pic hehe!

We are not in the best moment about our health but the life continues and we will be the most strong we can and stay together in the bad and best moments.

Thanks to you all for your support ,words,and everything. The day passed better seeing your wonderful blips and reading your nice comments in mine .

I am impressed by how many people like my pics. It was the best thing has happened to me for a long time. (to find you) How my husband has said to me, it is like a full time job for me now!

I was not inspired today to take any pics so I blipped this beautiful view from the aeroplane with the mobile fhone .It was only few seconds . I had never seeing before the sunshine like this in my window.I enjoyed the views a lot. I hope you do too. It was like stay in the moon for 2 hours.
Have a nice day

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